
European report on the face of «jihadist»

There is the case of «alert». You can not find a more appropriate word to describe the movement to encircle the European phenomenon «jihadist» Westerners in Syria. Alert includes the intelligence services, the police, the judiciary and all that is irrelevant to the issue.

This thrust of the report of the European internal, got «Ambassador» it, prepared by the European coordinator for counter-terrorism Gilles de Kirchhoff consultation with a European foreign. The report is located in the 14 pages. Been banned publication, and him last June to the European interior ministers.
We publish the most important report to the report regarding the ongoing work with the countries of the region.
European officials complain about the lack of cooperation from Qatar. Visited Doha, and the reasons for its failure to Benoit frankly. Saudi Arabia is less reluctance, and offer its services in the field of «media war». This offer is being studied, but the irony is that whenever a problem reported «satellite» which encourages «jihadist», and said whenever the issue of «the financing of terrorism and extremism», the Gulf states are the focus of attention first. There are also recommendations seeking to publish lists of the UN engaged in a «jihad», including the facilitated and funded.
The Gilles de Kerchove, the European official to combat terrorism, the rounds on all the countries concerned with the question «jihadist». Meetings with senior security officials, in Europe and the Arab region. In his first report, the end of the year 2013, identified priorities and outline of the desired movement. Offers in his latest report, which came as an assessment of what the overall Unger, a statement on the current situation and new initiatives.
Traveled European coordinator for counter-terrorism to the Gulf States and he knows exactly what he wants. Been preparing well for meetings with security officials and politicians there. Familiarize request regular reports from the heads of European missions, and other reports of «intelligence analysis center» of the European Union. He knows what is required, away from the manipulation of political speech.
So it was pointing the narrow shown by the report of Qatar, which seemed clear that they refuse to cooperate. There are talks did not lead to anything. Each talks with other capitals been able to put an outline projects can be cooperation, to encircle the threat «jihadist», but for the balance to Doha «zero». Can see the status of discontent graduated from between the lines of evaluation of the report's authors, they assert that «the Qatari authorities seemed eager to engage in close cooperation with the European Union». Reckon that the reasons for that fall under the broad headings: «The fact that the foreign fighters are not a problem for the national authorities, and that its primary objective remains the overthrow of (Syrian President Bashar) Assad».
But discontent does not obscure pragmatism. The report recommends that continuity with Qatar «would be useful», or inevitable, especially because especially noteworthy role in the Doha «funding for different groups operating in Syria».
Saudi Arabia did not seem implacably Qatar, and there was no cooperation can be around him. Riyadh has offered to play a role in the media war waged by Europeans against propaganda for «jihad» in Syria. The report says that Saudi security officials «offered to provide expertise in several areas, such as determining the videos that include good material for anti-propaganda».
This propaganda is a European strategic elements to face the phenomenon «jihadist». But related thorny problem still stuck. Draws from Saudi officials met to discuss the importance of continuing with Riyadh in the case of «satellite channels that broadcast in Europe, and encourage Sunni Muslims to engage in the Syrian war, physically or financially».
European decision-makers are showing helplessness and confusion in how to deal with the publicity «jihadist». Draws the authors of the report that «European countries can not prevent satellite television channels, which operate in third countries, from which the broadcast, when these channels are not using the capabilities of satellites for a European country». Geographical framework of the problem and clear them for workers, as the report draws to a «number of satellite channels that broadcast from the Persian Gulf, and that they seem to attract Jhora widely in Europe». Nevertheless confirms the Europeans not to neglect the problem, and the need to keep up the pressure to solve, as the report concludes that «it is important to address this issue with the countries concerned, through the meeting of experts».
In the same context, the issue of attending the fund groups that are fighting «jihadists» where. It is also a fundamental problem has become contentious and controversial with the countries of the Arabian Gulf. The report says that there is a need to «additional map» on the financing of militant groups in Syria, and that the goal «assess and disrupt the financial flows to terrorist groups».
Talks with Gulf officials did not reach a decisive conclusion, as the report recommends that «special attention should be directed to the Gulf states that take steps to combat the financing of terrorism». He also points to the importance of passing legislation in these countries, and effective monitoring of the work of «registered charities», especially with large uncertainties lines as a funding extremist groups.
But there are gratified for Europeans to put pressure on the Gulf to combat the financing of «terrorism». In May last met with officials from the European and American equipment in a joint workshop on this issue specifically. The report explains that the discussions «focused on financial flows to terrorist and extremist groups operating in Syria». The authors report conveys great satisfaction with the results of this meeting, especially as it was called a spade without things plainly. They said that «the informal nature of the workshop contributed to the exchange of views between the free and open participant, and also about their experiences». Europeans spoke clearly about what is bothering them. They concluded that they can build on coordination with Washington to increase pressure on Gulf states to stop funding «extremism» in Syria.
The issue was the focus of consensus between the two parties, according to the report: «A exits the concrete of the meeting is the declared intention of the European Union and the United States to increase their cooperation and their coordination when engaging with the Gulf countries».
In a wider range, look European relations - Gulf in the worst stages. Last June abolished the Gulf Cooperation Council, to pay from Saudi Arabia, a ministerial meeting with the Europeans. That was an unprecedented step in the history of relations between them. Gulf officials justified solidarity with Bahrain against European criticism of its record on human rights. But a senior diplomat high-level stressed then, for «Ambassador», that there is a package of differences, starting apprehensive of a settlement with Iran over its nuclear program, and extends to disagreements over priorities in the Iraq crisis as well as restlessness Gulf than Ihssouna «easing of the European position» of the system Damascus.
But there is a new compression method is recommended by the European counter-terrorism experts, and can impose an international embargo threatens involved in supplying «jihadist» to Syria. European ministers read in the report that they have to pay to black lists issued by the United Nations, and that the purpose of «the inclusion of individuals who organize or facilitate the travel of foreign fighters».
In this context, the authors of the report refers to a strong bond. Assert «should utilize to the maximum of the sanctions regime established by Security Council resolution 1267 (on the fight against terrorism) and subsequent resolutions». Consider that by these decisions can «payment for the issuance of the United Nations lists, in addition to national lists, including individuals who facilitate and organize the travel of foreign fighters». So can impose enormous pressure. Targeted lists, that have already been released, they will apply the «freezing of financial assets and a travel ban». Member States will be at the United Nations is obliged to comply with the application, which will display the states in violation of the sanctions in turn.
Europeans are concerned with the fight against terrorism are still undecided about how to deal with the Syrian interior. They said, in their report, that «the early launch of a partnership or concrete initiatives», but with that «it is necessary to start thinking about how to engage with the Syrian communities». Was limited to the possibility in the context of the continued support of the European Union to civil society groups. The report that he can start over «active participation with actors in Syrian society in the liberated areas to understand and counter the threat of extremism». And that the relationship can be strengthened with these actors across «provide aid packages (on the application of justice, security, health, food, medicines, energy and water) that earn legitimacy of the actors in the local administration».
Tunisia has a difficult issue. European authorities asked for help in the management of the border with Libya. The report cites that her problem with Libya is not just being a transition area (transit), but for the existence of «terrorist training camps» on Libyan territory, where insurgents Tunisians gather before heading to Syria.
Comprehensive assessment of the report presents a new European initiatives, and lighting on the deficiencies that must be avoided. There are also developments in the United States to prosecute «jihadist», resonate hello Europeans.

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Why stalled Arab region in building intellectual capital?
The idea is the basis of human evolution, and the human mind is an indispensable tool in this development, all what we have reached human achievements and capabilities due to the investment communities and nations in intellectual development, and the protection of intellectual property rights of the owners and their institutions, to ensure a motive for reflection and development to achieve sustainable economic and scientific development . So intellectual Investing is an important factor to boost economic production goal of production technologies, and hone the skills of workers, and improve the quality of education. And not to pay attention to this type of investment - especially in the Arab region - is a major cause of the deterioration of the wheel of domestic production, and lack of poise Investment Management, and the deterioration of the quality of education, and the theft of ideas, and a major cause of brain drain and the potential for the region, which further complicate the situation.
Intellectual assets and how to invest?
Intellectual assets Intellectual Assets is a collage knowledge (whether documented or not documented) of individuals, whether organized or not organized in groups within the community. This knowledge can be used to produce wealth, and double the output of the physical assets, and gain a competitive advantage, and enhance the value of other types of capital. Hence, it has become the intellectual capital is classified as a real capital; because investment and replacement of individuals amounts to investment in machines and factories, and the expenses incurred by the states in education and training (to maintain the validity of the intellectual assets), equivalent to the cost of consumption of physical assets.
This includes the intellectual capital of capital for clients, and human capital, intellectual property, and capital structural. So it is a business asset true, though, that the measure very subjective; as companies spend millions annually on training its staff in the subjects own business, and therefore Firas working capital provides a return to the company, and one of the ways that can contribute to the maturity of many years of value businesses that generate profits. So, intellectual Investing is a pumping resources and capabilities to improve the capacity of individuals and work-related technology and production. The investment in five main areas, namely:
- Patents that are in granting the inventor the right to exclude others from making, using, selling or offering for sale and importing the invention for a limited period of time, in exchange for public disclosure of the invention.
- Intellectual property rights give the copyright to port the original work, and usually for a limited period of time. The applicable copyright on a wide range of forms of intellectual, artistic, creative, or "business." The copyright does not include the same information and ideas, only the shape or the way they are expressed.
- The rights of industrial design, where protect the visual design, or drawing, or industrial model, which consists of the establishment of the shape and configuration, or configure the pattern, or color, or a combination of pattern and color in the form of three-dimensional, containing aesthetic value. If the sample is drawn for the industrial production of a product or commodity, industrial or handicraft.
- Brands: a meta tag or design or expression that distinguishes products or services.
- Trade secrets: a formula, practice, process, design, pattern, or compilation of information can not be verified is unknown, and that business owners can gain an economic advantage over competitors or customers, or to know when to use it.
This represents axes key points in protecting industries that result in the economic advancement of nations; accounting for patents, and intellectual property rights, and the rights of industrial design - the necessary protection for manufacturers and innovators and inventors from stealing their business, and to ensure the competitiveness fair that provides a fertile environment for work, thus increasing the expertise, and provide a fertile environment for investment and trade.
Economic dimensions of intellectual investment
The report of the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO for the year 2013 to the economic growth of developing countries from investing in the areas of intellectual property protection, and that there is a clear growth in investments brands relative to economic output in the economies of low-and middle-income countries.
For the private sector, there is a clear growth of trade marks;, where the value of the top three brands of 46 billion dollars to 91 billion dollars between 2008 and 2013 despite the presence of the global economic crisis; accounting for these brands major proportion of the global market value. While most brands are higher than the high-income economies, and brands of fast-growing economies of middle-income gaining some ground. In particular, the share of middle-income economies in the total value of the top 500 brands rose from 6% to 9% between 2009 and 2013. The same report also indicates that over the past four decades, the demand for brands to unprecedented levels.
After a slow start at the beginning of the twentieth century, accelerated activity brands significantly in the mid-seventies in the Office of Patents and Trademarks U.S. (USPTO), while middle-income economies, is experiencing a rapid rise in deposits brands in the late eighties and nineties; terms of the number of Deposits brands in most economies is linked to the business cycle; Accordingly, there has been a sharp decline in the number of filings, both after the boom commercial websites in the late nineties, after the beginning of the recent financial crisis.
For the economies of high-income and middle-income countries, there is an increase in the use of trademarks for GDP significantly between 1985 and 2011; terms of increased density high-income economies of the use of trademarks progress coefficient of 1.6%, and increase the middle-income economies progress coefficient of 2.6% during the this period.
Intellectual obstacles to investment
Facing intellectual property rights in the Arab world, complex problems are not remedied only a few years ago as a result of investments coming from abroad, and the arrival of international brands to the region, which provides its contracts with agents to protect intellectual property rights for those products and industries, and the fight against counterfeiting.
It is clear it in the software industry and the Internet in the region, where the lack of awareness of the danger and the true knowledge dimensions pay a lot of Internet sites Arabic to open its doors to host such violations, and flagrant violations and public intellectual property rights, especially with no real deterrent for webmasters of publishing software pirated, and limiting the role of organizations and government agencies to go after stores selling pirated software on the ground, and ignoring the virtual world, which has become an integral part of human life in the Arab countries.
The reflected echoes of the effects associated with this subject negatively on the areas of supply and distribution, and the analogy to other industries in the region. For example, the United Arab Emirates with a population of 4 million people during the past year spent nearly U.S. $ 2.7 billion on information technology, which includes computers and accessories, networking equipment, software, and information technology services. The shape of this spending to 1.5% of GDP, which contributed to the support of more than 4,400 companies operating in the field of information technology, with approximately 33400 employees of a specialist in this sector, and contributed to the $ 670 million in taxes related to information technology.
Although, it could be a contribution to the information technology sector greater if what has been reducing piracy of computer software in the UAE increased by 10% over the next four years, which would provide 710 additional functionality, and 238 million dollars in revenues of local industry, and 44 million dollars Kaaoaúd additional taxes for the federal and provincial governments and local communities.
Solutions on the table
The problem lies in the lack of sufficient awareness that intellectual investment is a pillar of stability of the industry in its various forms, and a major cause of the advancement of economies, and attracting foreign investment. So the solution lies in the existence of a mechanism for promoting intellectual property, and to ensure their protection against abuses, and to encourage research and development, especially in industries pivotal that depend fundamentally on the study and research, and another mechanism to monitor and punish violations to ensure a climate of fair competition, while preserving the rights and investments of those who provided patents and registrations for the brand by putting strict laws and regulations.
Government agencies also have an important role in supporting the intellectual investment through constructive awareness, and to facilitate the registration procedures for owners of ideas and industries, and give support to companies and individuals who apply for registration. The media can play a role in consumer awareness of the importance of buying products with the registered trademark shared by all segments of society, the adverse effects of trademark violation, and focus more on awareness on intellectual property rights.
Add to this, that the awareness of the importance of supporting national products registered will create an increase in overall demand, which will lead to real opportunities for development. The investment in the mechanisms and programs for the protection of intellectual property is also important to ensure the protection of industries and local institutions of any violations or breaches may affect the processes of production, and thus adversely affect the gross domestic product, in addition to the migration of a lot of talent to the lack of effective protection for their ideas and research.
The bottom line is, that investing intellectual in the Arab region requires the cooperation of several parties: the government, represented in the legislation, and regulators, and owners of industries and society itself; as this type of investment contributes directly to economic development and research of the state, especially in the field of industries and services Using the proceeds of investments in training and development, and research. But the biggest return is to create a fair competitive environment provides equal opportunities for innovators and manufacturers, and ensures their profits, or at least ensure the survival of many cadres may contribute to the revival of the economy effective in the region.
Cream in favor of an economic researcher
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