SeeBy Richard Moore,
... this is another American, his mind far Rajah, did not take flashier output legendary theatrical dramatic bombings in atheist th of September. It's Richard Moore, editor of the magazine "is not a list" of U.S. electronic, which accuses in this analysis the U.S. administration and its organs, fabricating war on terrorism work out of the crisis of global capitalism. He said:
Like many who saw what happened to the twin towers in the World Trade Center in New York, I could not believe what I saw, and I wondered: How does this happen? Who wants to happen like this work? And how can that be the abduction of four aircraft at a time limit? And how America would respond?.
After a time, I started coming in the answers. During limited hours Tosat U.S. authorities to identify the assailants and Rbtthm bin Laden immediately and directly to President Bush declared "war on terror"! While the TV channels in U.S. and international re-offer the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings, the Congress approves the allocation of $ 40 billion dollars immediately to launch a war on terror. During Ian few managed to Washington to convince NATO to announce this attack on America is an attack on all NATO nations and then about Bush's $ 10 billion of the 40 billion and put guarantees in favor of U.S. airlines. Gradually, Bush began asking Americans to give up their civil liberties, and Congress passed immediately to enact legislation on behalf of the war on terrorism. And thus became the "war on terror" secret war broadly, war is not like any other war, a war no one knows when it will end in the future.
With the passage of time turned my questions to strong doubts about how fast the back of the U.S. response, and in a coordinated manner, and doubts about the identification Bush's slogan of war on "terrorism" as a practical and appropriate .. and began to become increasingly doubtful about how to tell the Bush administration that the amount of 40 billion dollars is money the required accuracy. After that deepened doubts after taking an exciting new reports show, before the events of September airlines were facing the most difficult crises, and Washington was preparing itself to take control of Afghanistan for reasons of oil reserves paper Onabebh.
Pearl between Harper and 11 September
In the midst of these settings, the media continues to focus on the U.S. as a result of "terrorism" and compare it to what happened in the "Pearl Harrier" which killed thousands of American soldiers. In both events was the reaction of the American public in a sharp anger and outrage at both events went public sentiments about the need to retaliate, the U.S. president the right to use all the roads for revenge.
In 1941 after Japan's attack on Pearl Harrier was all over or estimate that Washington was known in advance about the Japanese attack (and schedule) and it was possible for her to shift without him, facing anger and disbelief similar to what was treated by estimates about knowing Bush in advance of what happened in September 11. But in this day proved us completely that U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941, was known in advance to attack the Japanese expected on Pearl Harrier and he could escalate the defense of the U.S. forces responsible for planning the U.S. in the period from 1939 to 1941 during World War II reached the need for the Washington to stop the expansion and Japanese expansion in Asia. He said those that control Japan on Southeast Asia will inflict severe damage to U.S. interests. At that time, the American public against participating in the whole of World War II. For this reason, President Roosevelt found a way to convince the public that the United States need to subscribe war, a failure to prevent the Japanese attack on Bill Harrier. The Roosevelt was to freeze the financial assets in Japan and caused the banks during that stop exporting oil to it, were considered to Japan's aggression and the U.S. declaration of war on Japan. He expected those responsible for planning in Japan that the U.S. administration will retaliate, and when he approached the Navy about the Japanese Pearl Harrier was the American and British intelligence on the lookout for precise action the Japanese fleet. It was Winston Churchill, British prime minister himself has told the British commanders in the Pacific that the Japanese are turning toward Pearl Harrier. I Roosevelt, who was known as the Churchill-like so as well, it was a U.S. military leaders about the movement of the Japanese fleet toward Pearl Harrier, and instead has cleared the warships U.S. strategy in the area to a safe area, especially campaigns and asked the observation and monitoring of the military in the island "Kawara "Stay away from these important sites. It is over, and across the island, the Japanese advance toward mirth Pearl Harrier.
Thus showing that Roosevelt himself prepared this stage premeditated in order to drop those victims of American soldiers Venhtz nation and turn the American public from a position of war uncle intervention to declare war on Japan and its allies. And I see that this same scenario is applied in the events of September 11, even though it was hard to believe, however, that this method distinguishes the work of the leaders of the United States. But what are the possible motives that movement towards such a scenario Jeraúma?.
The crisis of global capitalism
Capital in order to continue its work should always be achieved by growth and change, and usually have an engine that does capitalism represented in the rich investors who put their money in the economy in order to increase their wealth. When Tnadm opportunities for economic growth in the nation's economy, investors withdraw their money collapses through the whole system.
When the collapse of the economy by a few so-called state of "recession" and when a large proportion comprehensive call it a "recession."
Therefore constitute a part of such collapses accompanist of the capitalist system. When the solution of the capitalist system replaced the feudal system no one denies A, E achieved its evolution and growth of a lot of benefits to a number of people. If America was built on the capitalist system from the moment of its existence and has become a wealth United States and its prosperity is legendary with the development of capitalism, the same capitalism include problems The basic dilemmas. How can, for example, to achieve the economy of this kind continue to grow to be eternally in the finite world? Is capitalism in the final analysis a permanent sustainable?.
The date on which mankind has experienced in the nineteenth century and the twentieth is the history of nations competing for markets and resources in order to increase growth and if the history books, we talked about the conflicts in order to worthy causes and against the enemies of evil. The truth is all the great wars that have occurred since the nineteenth century, in order to control the great powers on the markets and on economic growth. Before the emergence of the capitalist system states were adopting empires because of the greed of kings and elite individuals who want to control more areas and wealth. The emergence of the capitalist countries began work on the establishment of empires because of the need to require them to do so. If you do not these countries to expand their markets and its control over the sources of its economy will collapse or their respective economies. When launched engine of industrial capitalism in the nineteenth century, the maximum relative speed at the time this was associated with the expansion never like imperialism on a global pronunciation. From 1800 until 1945 the global system to compete with the major powers and the rule of empires in order to continue the growth of the capitalist. In each empire achieved those major countries there was a strong state control and dominate the regions and peoples outside its territory and these areas were continuing and people are exploited in order to achieve economic growth of the countries of grand colonial. In 1945 there has been a significant change to this global system, while the United States has begun to form its leadership role and develop incentives and means to control the growth of a new model of the capitalist world., And under the protection of American military power, the huge gates opened so-called "free world" in front of capitalist exploitation. This evolution began in turn leads to the spread and advancement of large multinational companies are no longer bounded in order to achieve economic growth of any national empire. In this way, check innovation post-World War II in order to create a second round of capital growth. Under the system after the Second World became the process of providing prosperity for the middle classes of the western part of the capitalist scheme. Here we find that the population in Europe and the United States and Japan enjoyed unprecedented prosperity. Valampreialah collaborating provided there is room for considerable growth of capitalism and the back of the sharing of wealth among the population of the Western countries. But economic growth in the end, regardless of the nature of the regime to be established has become not only happen within the limits of this system. Even the system that prevailed after World War II (the Cold War) was no exception. In the beginning of the "reforms" necessary again. In addition to this, targeted the neo-liberal, also remove the authority of democracy itself because the democratic countries themselves because the Western democracies is that they are applying the laws limit the power of large corporations. It was all a constraint on these large companies is a kind of reduction in their ability to grow.
It is known that capitalism can never bear any restrictions on growth because this issue is a matter of life or death of capitalism.
Once again, as it happens to capitalism necessarily usually began and the neo-liberal system loses its economic growth. This system was unable seventies began to wheel and move it to slow down growth and economic recession began to replace the boom. I took the elites of global capitalism thus working on the design of another system provides another round of economic growth. Have joined this system the other under the name of neo-liberalism was Ronald Reagan is the one who launched this system in the United States and Margaret Thatcher in Britain and was very neo-liberal is doing the looting of the wealth of the capitalist countries booming and transferred to an elite of capitalism and large companies that are owned and controlled. This has been through the privatization and liberalization of the restrictions, and called on conservative growth, but for almost ten years is the eighties. So we moved in the wake of that era thus, globalization, which says it is continuing publicity about the natural tendencies that go towards technology, trade and business, but to say this is not true because globalization represents a political shift deliberate and intentional and carried out by a radical elite global capitalism. Globalization seeks to achieve four major changes in the global system, a.
1 - destabilize the international National Bank and the removal of its sovereignty.
2 - the establishment of a fascist world government, in essence, to be administered by direct international capitalist elite.
3 - very rapid exploitation of the third world repression.
4 - the gradual decline of standards and living conditions and the West and the prevailing approached about living in the third world. By this means the dominant global elite hopes to succeed in the completion of another round of economic growth.
During the nineties the past, the globalization going and make their way unnoticed world's population. I worked the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund during that decade to establish the first manifestation of their power without announcing it. And taking the leaders of governments around the pressures exerted on them by the elites of capitalism and the big sign on the abandonment of the rule of their country and delivered to global institutions. When globalization was a little flags were Da'aat imaginable words participating progress compulsory.
In December 1999, the world began to wake up from slumber when formed vast demonstrations that penetrated Seattle beginning of a new global movement against globalization, despite the fact that fairness requires recognition that the first indications of this movement emerged in Europe and the third world countries by the Seattle U.S.. But this movement did not become a reality in the eyes of the world, but when I got to the heart of its activities in the U.S. city of Seattle. Since the demonstrations in Seattle this took this movement grow and jump and turn to the level of the world and if this movement does not yet have specific targets accurately, but it remains a promising movement and radical they are based on the basic understanding that global capitalism moving us towards an environmental disaster and a catastrophe global governance despot. This movement does not yet have an organizational structure and a clearly defined, although it is to achieve that, no doubt that the decentralized nature of the movement refers to the new way of the kind of authentic democracy that is not governed by an elite of capitalism and monopolies similar to what followed the democratic West and mostly fabricated.
After viewing this historical background can now describe the nature of the crisis of global capitalism. The elite of capitalism have on the one hand to accelerate the pace of globalization in order to continue to provide a way to achieve economic growth and the population of this world and its people from the other side, including the West be started waking up and they are opposing this road dangerous and ominous afford globalization, and recognizes the elite capitalism also follow the path of globalization is increasingly power and speed will mobilize more than opponents. Thus becoming a crisis is a crisis of globalization to control the population and how to do them, and this requires a tightening of policy measures towards the peoples of Europe and North America because European countries and North America represent the engine and the power of this globalization of their people have become accustomed to democracy and freedom. The residents and the peoples of the Third World has been the imperialist tyranny and centuries ago it became possible thanks to the imposition of globalization by repression against the Western military powers. If I got up in the West, peoples against globalization will inevitably lead to the dominance of the elite capitalist threat of danger. This is the short crisis of global capitalism.
The war against terrorism and the use of a solution to the crisis of capitalism.
George W. Bush called the name of the war on terrorism on the campaign and the large-scale military and political waged war, what are these?
Let us note that in respect of the specifications.
1 - Congress passed to give President Bush what he wants all of the powers.
2 - Congress appropriated 40 billion dollars per Bush what he wants to do.
3 - were withdrawn forty billion dollars of American social insurance funds.
4 - allocated 15 billion dollars of this amount is for the benefit of U.S. airlines and supported., And as such, we find that the campaign against terrorism has been used as a pretext and justification to rob workers and staff saved and converted to large companies and within that airlines and the sale of arms.
5 - Through the campaign against terrorism was for the first time put a paragraph of the Charter of the NATO NATO) which is the attack on any nation is an attack on all, into practice.
6 - We were told to expect a big impose restrictions on our civil liberties.
7 - Bush announced to the whole world to see that the policy of every country in the world because that renews its position either with us or with terrorism
8 - launched fleets and ground forces to the Middle East to implement U.S. policy.
9 - We we would expect from Washington to wage a long war would be a lot of secret operations and cover with hidden and will not know what happened, but after that put this war is over.
10 - If Washington over the issue of bin Laden will expand the same this campaign and this is what Colin Powell announced the Foreign Minister when he said: We will then expand our campaign to hunt down terrorist organizations, and other other forms of terrorism in the world.
11 - The Bush informs us that he will use any weapon he deems necessary in this war. The Americans should not expect the war to end in one battle, but it will require a long campaign has not caused unprecedented in any previous war.
12 - The Pentagon and the U.S. Department of Defense that he does not rule out the use of nuclear weapons in this campaign.
There is no doubt that these factors and conditions that we observe in the war on terror campaign bus schedule a comprehensive and wide and has become Bush a blank check to do whatever it wants whenever he wants and do whatever he wants. When one looks at the work schedule can not predict in advance which eventually will lead us to it.
But the reality, which can indicate that the campaign of terror This allows us to meditate met scenario to occur and to widen because of the existence of conditions available.
In every country in the Third World there is the category of ethnic or nationalist struggles in some way to achieve a particular goal and the United States know and can be considered a terrorist organization, and this is what provides for the Bush always an excuse for intervention when he wanted and where he wants under the pretext of continuing the campaign against terrorism, on the other hand will continue to Washington transforming the Middle East and the Balkans and West Asia to the U.S. imperialist occupation of the area. As NATO and Washington will run through its dominance on the agenda of its work to adapt it to what you want to do and use in the domestication of European public opinion 0
Therefore it would not be surprising that the U.S. intelligence, dirty secret operations are carried out terrorism and attribute it to terrorist organizations.
... this is another American, his mind far Rajah, did not take flashier output legendary theatrical dramatic bombings in atheist th of September. It's Richard Moore, editor of the magazine "is not a list" of U.S. electronic, which accuses in this analysis the U.S. administration and its organs, fabricating war on terrorism work out of the crisis of global capitalism. He said:
Like many who saw what happened to the twin towers in the World Trade Center in New York, I could not believe what I saw, and I wondered: How does this happen? Who wants to happen like this work? And how can that be the abduction of four aircraft at a time limit? And how America would respond?.
After a time, I started coming in the answers. During limited hours Tosat U.S. authorities to identify the assailants and Rbtthm bin Laden immediately and directly to President Bush declared "war on terror"! While the TV channels in U.S. and international re-offer the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings, the Congress approves the allocation of $ 40 billion dollars immediately to launch a war on terror. During Ian few managed to Washington to convince NATO to announce this attack on America is an attack on all NATO nations and then about Bush's $ 10 billion of the 40 billion and put guarantees in favor of U.S. airlines. Gradually, Bush began asking Americans to give up their civil liberties, and Congress passed immediately to enact legislation on behalf of the war on terrorism. And thus became the "war on terror" secret war broadly, war is not like any other war, a war no one knows when it will end in the future.
With the passage of time turned my questions to strong doubts about how fast the back of the U.S. response, and in a coordinated manner, and doubts about the identification Bush's slogan of war on "terrorism" as a practical and appropriate .. and began to become increasingly doubtful about how to tell the Bush administration that the amount of 40 billion dollars is money the required accuracy. After that deepened doubts after taking an exciting new reports show, before the events of September airlines were facing the most difficult crises, and Washington was preparing itself to take control of Afghanistan for reasons of oil reserves paper Onabebh.
Pearl between Harper and 11 September
In the midst of these settings, the media continues to focus on the U.S. as a result of "terrorism" and compare it to what happened in the "Pearl Harrier" which killed thousands of American soldiers. In both events was the reaction of the American public in a sharp anger and outrage at both events went public sentiments about the need to retaliate, the U.S. president the right to use all the roads for revenge.
In 1941 after Japan's attack on Pearl Harrier was all over or estimate that Washington was known in advance about the Japanese attack (and schedule) and it was possible for her to shift without him, facing anger and disbelief similar to what was treated by estimates about knowing Bush in advance of what happened in September 11. But in this day proved us completely that U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941, was known in advance to attack the Japanese expected on Pearl Harrier and he could escalate the defense of the U.S. forces responsible for planning the U.S. in the period from 1939 to 1941 during World War II reached the need for the Washington to stop the expansion and Japanese expansion in Asia. He said those that control Japan on Southeast Asia will inflict severe damage to U.S. interests. At that time, the American public against participating in the whole of World War II. For this reason, President Roosevelt found a way to convince the public that the United States need to subscribe war, a failure to prevent the Japanese attack on Bill Harrier. The Roosevelt was to freeze the financial assets in Japan and caused the banks during that stop exporting oil to it, were considered to Japan's aggression and the U.S. declaration of war on Japan. He expected those responsible for planning in Japan that the U.S. administration will retaliate, and when he approached the Navy about the Japanese Pearl Harrier was the American and British intelligence on the lookout for precise action the Japanese fleet. It was Winston Churchill, British prime minister himself has told the British commanders in the Pacific that the Japanese are turning toward Pearl Harrier. I Roosevelt, who was known as the Churchill-like so as well, it was a U.S. military leaders about the movement of the Japanese fleet toward Pearl Harrier, and instead has cleared the warships U.S. strategy in the area to a safe area, especially campaigns and asked the observation and monitoring of the military in the island "Kawara "Stay away from these important sites. It is over, and across the island, the Japanese advance toward mirth Pearl Harrier.
Thus showing that Roosevelt himself prepared this stage premeditated in order to drop those victims of American soldiers Venhtz nation and turn the American public from a position of war uncle intervention to declare war on Japan and its allies. And I see that this same scenario is applied in the events of September 11, even though it was hard to believe, however, that this method distinguishes the work of the leaders of the United States. But what are the possible motives that movement towards such a scenario Jeraúma?.
The crisis of global capitalism
Capital in order to continue its work should always be achieved by growth and change, and usually have an engine that does capitalism represented in the rich investors who put their money in the economy in order to increase their wealth. When Tnadm opportunities for economic growth in the nation's economy, investors withdraw their money collapses through the whole system.
When the collapse of the economy by a few so-called state of "recession" and when a large proportion comprehensive call it a "recession."
Therefore constitute a part of such collapses accompanist of the capitalist system. When the solution of the capitalist system replaced the feudal system no one denies A, E achieved its evolution and growth of a lot of benefits to a number of people. If America was built on the capitalist system from the moment of its existence and has become a wealth United States and its prosperity is legendary with the development of capitalism, the same capitalism include problems The basic dilemmas. How can, for example, to achieve the economy of this kind continue to grow to be eternally in the finite world? Is capitalism in the final analysis a permanent sustainable?.
The date on which mankind has experienced in the nineteenth century and the twentieth is the history of nations competing for markets and resources in order to increase growth and if the history books, we talked about the conflicts in order to worthy causes and against the enemies of evil. The truth is all the great wars that have occurred since the nineteenth century, in order to control the great powers on the markets and on economic growth. Before the emergence of the capitalist system states were adopting empires because of the greed of kings and elite individuals who want to control more areas and wealth. The emergence of the capitalist countries began work on the establishment of empires because of the need to require them to do so. If you do not these countries to expand their markets and its control over the sources of its economy will collapse or their respective economies. When launched engine of industrial capitalism in the nineteenth century, the maximum relative speed at the time this was associated with the expansion never like imperialism on a global pronunciation. From 1800 until 1945 the global system to compete with the major powers and the rule of empires in order to continue the growth of the capitalist. In each empire achieved those major countries there was a strong state control and dominate the regions and peoples outside its territory and these areas were continuing and people are exploited in order to achieve economic growth of the countries of grand colonial. In 1945 there has been a significant change to this global system, while the United States has begun to form its leadership role and develop incentives and means to control the growth of a new model of the capitalist world., And under the protection of American military power, the huge gates opened so-called "free world" in front of capitalist exploitation. This evolution began in turn leads to the spread and advancement of large multinational companies are no longer bounded in order to achieve economic growth of any national empire. In this way, check innovation post-World War II in order to create a second round of capital growth. Under the system after the Second World became the process of providing prosperity for the middle classes of the western part of the capitalist scheme. Here we find that the population in Europe and the United States and Japan enjoyed unprecedented prosperity. Valampreialah collaborating provided there is room for considerable growth of capitalism and the back of the sharing of wealth among the population of the Western countries. But economic growth in the end, regardless of the nature of the regime to be established has become not only happen within the limits of this system. Even the system that prevailed after World War II (the Cold War) was no exception. In the beginning of the "reforms" necessary again. In addition to this, targeted the neo-liberal, also remove the authority of democracy itself because the democratic countries themselves because the Western democracies is that they are applying the laws limit the power of large corporations. It was all a constraint on these large companies is a kind of reduction in their ability to grow.
It is known that capitalism can never bear any restrictions on growth because this issue is a matter of life or death of capitalism.
Once again, as it happens to capitalism necessarily usually began and the neo-liberal system loses its economic growth. This system was unable seventies began to wheel and move it to slow down growth and economic recession began to replace the boom. I took the elites of global capitalism thus working on the design of another system provides another round of economic growth. Have joined this system the other under the name of neo-liberalism was Ronald Reagan is the one who launched this system in the United States and Margaret Thatcher in Britain and was very neo-liberal is doing the looting of the wealth of the capitalist countries booming and transferred to an elite of capitalism and large companies that are owned and controlled. This has been through the privatization and liberalization of the restrictions, and called on conservative growth, but for almost ten years is the eighties. So we moved in the wake of that era thus, globalization, which says it is continuing publicity about the natural tendencies that go towards technology, trade and business, but to say this is not true because globalization represents a political shift deliberate and intentional and carried out by a radical elite global capitalism. Globalization seeks to achieve four major changes in the global system, a.
1 - destabilize the international National Bank and the removal of its sovereignty.
2 - the establishment of a fascist world government, in essence, to be administered by direct international capitalist elite.
3 - very rapid exploitation of the third world repression.
4 - the gradual decline of standards and living conditions and the West and the prevailing approached about living in the third world. By this means the dominant global elite hopes to succeed in the completion of another round of economic growth.
During the nineties the past, the globalization going and make their way unnoticed world's population. I worked the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund during that decade to establish the first manifestation of their power without announcing it. And taking the leaders of governments around the pressures exerted on them by the elites of capitalism and the big sign on the abandonment of the rule of their country and delivered to global institutions. When globalization was a little flags were Da'aat imaginable words participating progress compulsory.
In December 1999, the world began to wake up from slumber when formed vast demonstrations that penetrated Seattle beginning of a new global movement against globalization, despite the fact that fairness requires recognition that the first indications of this movement emerged in Europe and the third world countries by the Seattle U.S.. But this movement did not become a reality in the eyes of the world, but when I got to the heart of its activities in the U.S. city of Seattle. Since the demonstrations in Seattle this took this movement grow and jump and turn to the level of the world and if this movement does not yet have specific targets accurately, but it remains a promising movement and radical they are based on the basic understanding that global capitalism moving us towards an environmental disaster and a catastrophe global governance despot. This movement does not yet have an organizational structure and a clearly defined, although it is to achieve that, no doubt that the decentralized nature of the movement refers to the new way of the kind of authentic democracy that is not governed by an elite of capitalism and monopolies similar to what followed the democratic West and mostly fabricated.
After viewing this historical background can now describe the nature of the crisis of global capitalism. The elite of capitalism have on the one hand to accelerate the pace of globalization in order to continue to provide a way to achieve economic growth and the population of this world and its people from the other side, including the West be started waking up and they are opposing this road dangerous and ominous afford globalization, and recognizes the elite capitalism also follow the path of globalization is increasingly power and speed will mobilize more than opponents. Thus becoming a crisis is a crisis of globalization to control the population and how to do them, and this requires a tightening of policy measures towards the peoples of Europe and North America because European countries and North America represent the engine and the power of this globalization of their people have become accustomed to democracy and freedom. The residents and the peoples of the Third World has been the imperialist tyranny and centuries ago it became possible thanks to the imposition of globalization by repression against the Western military powers. If I got up in the West, peoples against globalization will inevitably lead to the dominance of the elite capitalist threat of danger. This is the short crisis of global capitalism.
The war against terrorism and the use of a solution to the crisis of capitalism.
George W. Bush called the name of the war on terrorism on the campaign and the large-scale military and political waged war, what are these?
Let us note that in respect of the specifications.
1 - Congress passed to give President Bush what he wants all of the powers.
2 - Congress appropriated 40 billion dollars per Bush what he wants to do.
3 - were withdrawn forty billion dollars of American social insurance funds.
4 - allocated 15 billion dollars of this amount is for the benefit of U.S. airlines and supported., And as such, we find that the campaign against terrorism has been used as a pretext and justification to rob workers and staff saved and converted to large companies and within that airlines and the sale of arms.
5 - Through the campaign against terrorism was for the first time put a paragraph of the Charter of the NATO NATO) which is the attack on any nation is an attack on all, into practice.
6 - We were told to expect a big impose restrictions on our civil liberties.
7 - Bush announced to the whole world to see that the policy of every country in the world because that renews its position either with us or with terrorism
8 - launched fleets and ground forces to the Middle East to implement U.S. policy.
9 - We we would expect from Washington to wage a long war would be a lot of secret operations and cover with hidden and will not know what happened, but after that put this war is over.
10 - If Washington over the issue of bin Laden will expand the same this campaign and this is what Colin Powell announced the Foreign Minister when he said: We will then expand our campaign to hunt down terrorist organizations, and other other forms of terrorism in the world.
11 - The Bush informs us that he will use any weapon he deems necessary in this war. The Americans should not expect the war to end in one battle, but it will require a long campaign has not caused unprecedented in any previous war.
12 - The Pentagon and the U.S. Department of Defense that he does not rule out the use of nuclear weapons in this campaign.
There is no doubt that these factors and conditions that we observe in the war on terror campaign bus schedule a comprehensive and wide and has become Bush a blank check to do whatever it wants whenever he wants and do whatever he wants. When one looks at the work schedule can not predict in advance which eventually will lead us to it.
But the reality, which can indicate that the campaign of terror This allows us to meditate met scenario to occur and to widen because of the existence of conditions available.
In every country in the Third World there is the category of ethnic or nationalist struggles in some way to achieve a particular goal and the United States know and can be considered a terrorist organization, and this is what provides for the Bush always an excuse for intervention when he wanted and where he wants under the pretext of continuing the campaign against terrorism, on the other hand will continue to Washington transforming the Middle East and the Balkans and West Asia to the U.S. imperialist occupation of the area. As NATO and Washington will run through its dominance on the agenda of its work to adapt it to what you want to do and use in the domestication of European public opinion 0
Therefore it would not be surprising that the U.S. intelligence, dirty secret operations are carried out terrorism and attribute it to terrorist organizations.
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