World Wars and International Conflicts : See the Skull and Bones Page.
The banking firms of Wall Street namely W.A. Harriman and Company,
Guaranty Trust, and Union Banking Corp. controlled by Freemasons and
Skull and Bonesmen financed the build-up of both world wars. In the Soviet
Union, the Ruskombank was controlled by Guaranty Trust. The Soviets had
no money. The caucuses were rich with oil but the Russians didn't possess the
Rotary drills needed and mining equiptment was needed to mine the minerals.
The story is a long and complicated one but lets just say Dresser Industries,
Henry Neil Mallon and Henry Peter Isham, both Bonesmen initiated in 1917,
along with Prescott Bush, were the "bones behind Dresser". It was Henry
Mallon who gave George Bush his FIRST JOB at DRESSER INDUSTRIES!!
Dresser provided the drill bits and oil drilling equiptment to the Russians and
W.A. Harriman and Company controlled Georgian Manganese. International
Barnsdale provided Rotary drills and trained Russian crews in oil drilling.
Barnsdale Corp. owned 75% of International Barnsdale whose principle
shareholders were W.A. Harriman and Co. and Lee Higenson and Co.
represented by W.A. Harriman and Frederick Winthrop Allen. Harriman was
initiated into Skull and Bones in 1913 and Allen in 1900. The other partner was
Eugene Stetson working for Guaranty Trust, a Bones controlled bank as well.
Union banking Corp was more prominent in the affairs of the built-up of Nazi
Germany in the 30's. The Union Banking Corp. in New York was established
in 1924 as a unit of W.A. Harriman and Co. It was a Joint Walker, Thyssen,
Harriman bank. The co-founders were George Herbert Walker, Bush's
grandfather on his father's side, Fritz Thyssen and William A. Harriman. It was
also the New York office of German Steel Trust. In 1932 it's directors were a
hodgepotch of Skull and Bonesmen and Nazis, including Johann Groninger and
H.J. Kowenhoven, both Nazis, as well as Prescott Sheldon Bush, a bonesman.
The German Steel Trust controlled the Bank ver Handle fer Handel and Schiff.
It was Fritz Thyssen through this bank that funneled over 3 million marks to
Hitler in 1932 alone.
Then there is Silesian American Corp. Ray Morris initiated into Skull and Bones in
1901 worked in Brown Bros. Harriman, Union Banking Corp. and Silesian
American Corp. Nazi interests in Silesian American Corp. were siezed on
11-17-42 under the Trading with the Enemy Act. It seems like the Anglo-American
banking establishment on Wall Street is perfectly comfortable sleeping in the same
bed with Nazis.
A quote from J. Thorkelson of Montana in the House of Representatives Mon.
Aug. 19th 1940; "It was also the year preceding the World War, a war in which
we became involved, as everyone knows, in 1917, but what everyone does not
know is that we were committed to this war in 1910, and were to all intents
and purposes in the war in 1914, when J.P. Morgan & Co. began to finance
the Triple Entente. This statement is borne out of J.P. Morgan's own testimony
before the Senate committee investigating the munitions industry".
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