
System Obama / Kerry / Hagel: Death sale and purchase killers in the Middle East and North Africa

The system does not have Obama / Kerry / Hagel lot of assets Empire to face the next four years of empire building, it also faces stiff restrictions limiting its ability to innovate strategic or even tactical progress in order to reduce the losses of the United States.The most important obstacle in the face of any shift of military empire building costly and inefficient to policies directed diplomatically and economically is the effect of a Zionist forces on this trio (Obama / Kerry / Hagel) and the Congress. So that the new Israeli coalition system more extreme and militarization, also indicates the strong presence of an extremist settler Party - Egypt's colonial annexation of the rest of the Palestinian West Bank by force and violence. Are imposed veto Israeli forces on American foreign policy in the Middle East by the heads of American organizations - major Jewish (represented in more than 50 group Zionism strong) who make it impossible for the system this trio even paste a fig leaf small in the "peace process" on accelerating the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. This system also will not try to never, under the influence of Zionist organizations mentioned, enter into any rational and useful negotiations with Iran.This system is publicly committed to enter into a war on behalf of Israel, if the Jewish state decided to attack Iran. Visit Obama is forced to Israel with Jewish leaders - the Zionists before the visit, it was designed "to determine" the White House agenda: coordination with Netanyahu's policy of creating an atmosphere allowed to wage war on Iran, Israel's annexation of Palestinian territory. So that the Zionists have to dictate the physical language of Obama to Netanyahu: Do not hassle public, but only smiles and handshakes, has been approved by the American dog on it. Indeed, this system will be more tightly to Israeli demands in the next four years because Congress occupied by the Zionists had "launched by" Israel in the report of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, including the timing of wars and the nature of the negotiations.The new foreign minister, John Kerry, and Treasury Secretary, Jack Lu, Zionyan the privilege of a long time ago and is expected to Iverdha greater economic sanctions on Iran in order to strangle its economy and prepare the arena for military confrontation.Taking into account the obligation of Washington in charge of plans for Israel's military and restrictions to reduce the U.S. budget, will try system Obama / Kerry / Hagel "coordinating" policies with the forces of NATO other, including the sharing of physical resources and draw strategies complementary in counter-insurgency operations in Africa, and processes Islamist mercenaries in Syria, and systems management "neoliberalism - Islamic" in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. Kerry's visit was designed for Europe to strengthen joint efforts of the Empire, especially to support the war policies of President Empire "socialist" Hollande in Mali and Niger and French efforts - Saudi Arabia against Syria.Under pressure from the army, "Syrian" puppet mercenary who invades Syria, will the British Prime Minister Cameron, French President, Hollande, the system triple the U.S. to increase the flow of American arms in an attempt to install the terrorists Islamists Wahhabis who now control some areas in Syria, with the support of the Kingdom Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Gulf oil dictatorships. The biggest fear in Washington is that modern weapons will not only contribute to the overthrow of the Assad regime secular nationalist, but will lead to power-Qaeda-style system on the borders of the most vulnerable rulers in Jordan and Lebanon.Syria could fundamentalist Islamism to play the role of "main center" for cross-border attacks on U.S. bases in the region as a whole. Will include Israel finally "the Golan Heights," Syrian strategy, which it has occupied since 1967, under the pretext of protecting themselves from Islamists who have worked hard to get them to power. Kurds also will try to control some areas in the north of Syria as part of "Greater Kurdistan", which would raise horror Ankara. Turkey will work on the export of its "nicer" version of "Islamic nationalism." And will not be able to Washington, London and Paris after the inauguration of Zpanihm expatriates in London on the seat of government in Damascus. The system can triple the U.S. to displace Bashar al-Assad national secular, but surely reap a hurricane long bloody conflict in which it will engage regional powers, and الزبانية competitors, and Al Qaeda terrorists, who seek to plunder the war-ravaged Syria.The system of triple-American who faces the prospects complex in Syria, and is unable to make a deal with the Taliban in Afghanistan, and is unable to retrieve its impact on Iraq's Shiite, will try to strengthen the military regimes - Islamism in Egypt and Tunisia through the alliance with the selected sectors of the liberal secular opposition. This will not be an easy task if we take into account the social polarization - growing political. Will be tested the capacity of Washington to establish a new set of regulations الزبانية through its support for the terms "IMF" brutal Morsi to end food aid and oil folk - a policy would certainly into riots and widespread among poor Egyptians, and even the possibility of a mass uprising and national Autism secular leftists and Muslims poor. The main concern in Washington is that the projection of the Islamic customers Mursi could threaten Egypt's subservient agreement with Israel and which requires the imposition of economic blockade on the millions of Palestinians in Gaza and the acceptance of the Jewish state's control over more land in the West Bank.System adopted Obama / Kerry / Hagel yet oppressive power joint army and police and security Mubarak in enhance its customer Morsi. But If Mursi fell, likely that the United States is trying to re-shuffle the cards and the search for a new set of political الزبانية "liberals" or the imposition of a military dictatorship directly on the Egyptians.Standing in Obama's efforts to achieve Israeli interests, the new Foreign Minister, John Kerry, attacked Prime Minister Aardogan directly equated Zionism and fascism upon getting in Turkey.Despite failing to achieve reconciliation Turkish - Israeli, persuaded Obama Aardogan of the acceptance of a formal apology from Netanyahu. And on Aardogan now to face the political reality that refers to the opposition of 90% of the Turkish population of the Israeli repression of the Palestinians. In the meantime, the DC beneficiary Turkish President of the "split" of Iraq, which was imposed militarily.Dominated by traders and speculators Alnaftyon the Turks on the market in "Kurdistan" Iraq. It can be the United States has wasted hundreds of billions of dollars in the invasion, but the Genoa millions of Turks not supported by the war, the war increased the impact of regional Turkey. The system can not triple the U.S. to do anything about Turkey, which opposed the invasion of Iraq and Washington, which reap huge profits from that investment is estimated at more than $ 2 trillion of wealth and American blood. And this can be a security system has support Aardogan for the violent overthrow of the Assad regime in Syria, but that in the best interest of the Turkish domination. And interest Aardogan dropping Assad National - secular based on his plans to establish an Islamic regime in Damascus and collaborator market is dominated by businessmen and decision-makers of the Turks. He took Aardogan page from the book of the Israeli entertainment on the exploitation of the American military machine to achieve regional interests and profits.Washington will continue to rely on Saudi funding and country of the armies of mercenaries and terrorists to destabilize Islamists and the invasion of the anti-imperialist regimes, but with the caveat that these fighters are mercenaries fundamentalist fanatics as well - that is, they are anti-United States and the European Union.The billions of Qatar's oil like illness genitalia, "here, there, and everywhere," affects the area infected by funding and arming terrorists Islamists, backed by rockets and bombs of NATO, to destroy the State of Gaddafi National wealthy in Libya, and the destruction of government independent of secularism in Syria, and to provide billions dollars for strengthen Islamism dolls systems in Egypt and Tunisia (the "Financial Times", March 19 / March 2013, p 7). The Qatari royal autocracy to enrich the extended royal family and mother-in-law of Emperor foreigners - the United States and Britain - for the purchase and distribution of weapons to the Islamists who attack mercenaries independent national systems.Triple system will maintain the presence of American maritime fleet in the Gulf, training missions and military bases in order to promote and support dictatorships the Gulf oil rotten. However, the complex (GCC) - the entire U.S. could become an arena for a huge military fire if the extremist Israeli regime decided to do a pre-emptive strike to Iran and ignite a regional war and wide. In the current situation, linked to the stability of the oil-US alliance - the whole Gulf benzoate third party (Israel) inherent in the U.S. Congress and the executive branch.
ConclusionDepends Obama's second term on a precarious set of alliances fate depends on the decisions of a foreign power fanatical military (Israel) and increasingly subject to extend the pro-democracy movements in an arc stretching from Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, and down to Pakistan.Moreover, much of the important results is outside the control of the White House. The system Obama / Kerry / Hagel has no control over mass movements in North Africa and the Islamists, and the mercenaries who invade Syria for the time being are enemies Mreron to Washington and Damascus together. Washington can, within the limits of the shrinking budget and in cooperation with the European Union, to possess the ability to destroy the independent systems and brutally. But, through this process can be complex tearing the fabric of societies and destroy their economies so that undermine their ability to reap the economic profits of the imperial invasion. As the "Booty" only caused by imperial wars and Washington came out of the U.S. Treasury, with do Contractors Alnhmin and corrupt politicians and U.S. military officials looted billions of dollars from the American taxpayers on the formula of "aid programs and rebuild" their personal interests.A report released in 2011 on the "Committee for Contracting hostilities in Iraq and Afghanistan," the defense contractors may have squandered or lost because of fraud nearly $ 60 billion - or $ 12 million per day since 2011 ("Financial Times", March 19 / March 2013, p 4). The largest military contractor ($ 39.5 billion) is "Kellog, Brown and Root," a subsidiary of "Halliburton" - which was formerly run by Vice George. Bush, Dick Cheney. Cheney has been one of the architects of the war on Iraq, in addition to the Zionists in the Pentagon, Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith. The alliance of corrupt merchants of war and "the Zionist Fifth Column" (Working for the benefit of Israel) in the looting of the U.S. Treasury and Obama's support for what he calls Israel's military superiority in the Middle East.
The legacy of the Bush regime and the mandate of Obama's first set of component "victories Albiroseh" [victories are achieved a very high price: Iraq riven by sectarian wars with the elimination of half a century of social progress - economic, educational and scientific research in the national government is secular. The system can not triple American decoding the growing ties between Iran and Iraq. It also is not able to break the growing ties in trade, gas and energy between Iran and Pakistan. The United States has ensured stronger Israeli military ties with NATO and the European Union, but there is a county increasingly popular in Europe and North America for Israeli goods and investments began to darken the Jewish state. There is no indication that this American trio system abandon, at least in part, in charge of policy for "military imperialism" in the Middle East and North Africa. Moreover, it lacks the economic resources to support new customers in North Africa. While this system tries hard to existing financing brutal war against Syria, he has to attend to new wars against Lebanon and Iran. It will be on this system rely on a mercenary war, low-cost, high-risk, in Syria. The defense will try to truncate the limits on oil sectors and political in Libya. It also assign a greater role economic and ideological Islamist Turkey. Above all, you will need to overlook the Jewish state's annexation of the West Bank, under pressure from the Zionist forces gathered in the United States!The "Victor R. company. CNN. Er "marketing devices" Victourula ", an old phonograph recorders with huge loudspeakers like the centuries, a prompt in the form of a dog sitting in front of the machine waiting for" the voice of his master. " And remember Obama's recent visit to Israel in this way. Has included Obama's speech in front of Jewish students in Jerusalem enthusiastic praise each What is an Israeli or a Jew so than any ad propaganda carried out by the organization "AIPAC", ES each other.The Netanyahu, as brocade (almost to the point of caricature) all ethnic myth about Jewish supremacy.Israel has praised as "a land of peace and democracy" in the face of 45 years of brutal military rule and the confiscation of 60% of the territory of the West Bank, Palestinian Territory. He spoke about "the terms of negotiations," a reference to giving Israel the green light to join the rest of the Palestinian territories in the West Bank. As أطنب in praise of Israel creativity and boldness in the establishment of the "Jewish state", ignoring the violent ethnic cleansing and expulsion of more than 850,000 Muslim and Christian Arab Palestinians. He also talked about the Israeli technological genius, forgetting that Israel's main exports are weapons of mass destruction.U.S. commander does not have, in the past or present (or any other imperial governor), repeating the or redecorating lies the bloody colonial power of this type and the "fifth Taborha" rooted in the United States enthusiastically than an effort Obama humiliating aimed to satisfy his masters Zionists in Washington. The performance exceeded all expectations in the humiliation of the United States. In terms of style and substance, Obama achieved their demands to the United States for the Jewish state, but deep in it so. In fact, one can believe that this may set a new standard for licking shoes and crawl on the abdomen familiar performance for each observer to Israel, served in the U.S. Congress. Farewell to say that the Zionist propaganda machine as a whole, from the neo-conservatives to liberals, has been injured ecstatic immersive. He is a Zionist trump even the mightiest of the Zionists in the Zionist fanaticism.People will remember the day when Obama spoke in Jerusalem one day as a disgrace to all Americans who believe in freedom and dignity, peace and social justice. Listening to the President of the United States, which cringes before the colonial power of racism is something humiliating and shameful. He was also a day of anger for billions of the world who smashed five restrictions colonial ethnic repression. Obama has chosen: and managed to coexist with this choice in the next four years.The attempt system Obama / Kerry / Hagel penetrate Africa by military missions and to support African mercenary forces will require containment of the growing militarization of the French Empire. It will also be the recognition of China's growing economic superiority in the sectors of African extraction, infrastructure and trade. As the "spin towards Asia," done by this system - which includes the free trade agreements across the Pacific excluding China, and military bases that encircle Beijing and incite Japan to provoke around the disputed areas - did not affect China's economy is growing and trade relations is booming. As more than China's trade with Asia now its trade with the United States. The flow of investment from China and it far exceeds the profits of this system wars outside its borders. It failed, "centered" This system around Asia in the production of any economic reward to the leaders of empire and Washington. However, it has triggered the largest military tension between Japan and China and between North and South Korea. All this happens at a time when the Pentagon is facing significant cuts in the budget and trying to U.S. Treasury Secretary Liu to encourage greater trade with China.In short, the former military obligations, and links with Israel, and the legacy of political failure in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the fragility of the new rulers, it means that the system of Obama / Kerry / Hagel'll play a marginal economic role in the Middle East and North Africa and South Asia. Troika will do Obama / Kerry / Hagel everything they can to save military bases and political influence between the autocratic oil-producing countries in the Gulf.
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